I miss the time when 3 of us sitting at the back with out scarf on because it was freaking cold. Listening to the musics coming out from the ancient radio which we been told by Alvin that he will change soon as the volume will just go up n down by itself where we already gave up tuning it again n again.
I miss the days when Jass talks to herself and Joyce and me was wondering what the hell going on with her.
I doubt she got no one to talk to when she was young and that is how she developed the "talking to herself" skill.
I miss the days when Joyce laugh at me when I sang "because of you" ... and of coz it I was out of tune. Later, she was one of them singing out of tune.
I miss the time when Jass shake me like she was making a milk shake and Joyce will just scold her on behalf of me because i gave up scolding her.
I miss the time when Jass got shock when I screamed at her when she intended to bully me again.
I miss the time when 3 of us talk like nobody business at the back and sharon walks in n cought us speaking in Chinese. (I'm the one who always get cought! Damn. but it was fun. =D)
I felt secured when Joyce is around because she will just protect me when she tracked someone has the intention to bully me. especially Jass. I'm like a child of hers.
I always feel entertain whenever Jass is around. I'm sure everyone feel the same way too. She's just too dramatic not to be laughed!
I miss them even more when i start realizing that 3 of us got influenced by each other's attitude.
I just miss the J's.
Me, Jass and Joyce
So touching... @.@
Aiyoyo.. Like my tears will drop de wor..
I miss u .. T_T
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