If a pictures could paint a thousand of words, then why i couldn't paint you?
The words would never show the you i've come to know ..
If i could turn back time, i'll take back all my words that hurt every corner of your heart ..
If i could turn back time, i'll share all your sorrow, grief, sadness ..
If i could turn back time, i'll hold my bad temper ..
If i could turn back time, i'll listen to your advise ..
If i could turn back time, i'll hold your face and kiss tenderly on your lips ..
If i could turn back time, i'll stay beside you whenever u need me ..
If i could turn back time, i wouldn't have sit here and write this blog ..
If God is willing to give me another chance to prove how I am still so inlove with you ..
I'll give all my best..
You deseve nothing but the best.
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