Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Freaking Tuesday !

I'll use KaiXeN style to write this blog ... LOL

Yesterday was a super tiring day ...

I wonder what i did yesterday ...

I Woke up at

I prepared myself ...

Brushed my smelly-stained-teeth

wore a very lame outfit

Packed my bag

and off to school

(I wonder when is the next semester break )

A very HOLY one-hour-class i attended where the lecturer going to teach us a Holy subject ... LOL

Since the class end at 9am, we decided to starve our stomach to wait for the 1130 SUSHI KING BONANZA, where everyone will be like hungry sumo grabbing for sushi ... --"

Within 2 hours, 6 of us ate 42 plates of sushi ... --" Our friends next to our table have more than 50 plates ! We are the loser ... boohooo~~ but we really enjoyed eating the 42 plates of sushi ...

I guess everyone is eating for the sake of RM2 .. not because they really wanna eat for the sake of eating ... --" "Malaysian" boleh ...

After that we walked around the shopping mall to kill our time to wait for the next class at 330pm .. Me, sinjoo and laikheng stepped into the gate of heaven for all the ladies...

I spent RM70 inside this HEAVEN ... !!!

Without realizing the time flies so fast .. we have already spent more than an hour wondering inside this shop ... --"

We met up with the rest of our classmates in the bowling alley and we rushed back to school to attend another HOLY class .. Business ethic ... This semester i'll soon be a holy girl by stucking lots of morals and ethics into my bird brain ...

During the 3 hours class ... I can see so many mouths opened big and then closed like a fish gasping for air...

Heads dropping and pulling back like fishing rod ... some even lied on the table as if it was thier pillows ...

Finally we able to survive for the 3 hours class not smacking by the tutor because of snoring out loud !

After the class we went to the night market for our dinner ... I ate the curry noodle so fast as if i was joining an eating competition ... or else the rain going to mixed with my bowl of curry ... --"

I reached home around 8pm ... I have my shower and came out seeing my room flooded by the rain sneaking trough my unclosed window ... sigh .. I spent almost an hour to dried up my room ... urrrghhh ~~~

One bloody hour gone ... And i need to spend another hour to go and clean myself up again and wait for my hair to dry ... Instead of planning to sleep at 8 something .. I end up going to bed at 10 smth !!

What a great day i have !


vincent2903 said...

Wahahaha~~ nice post with the cool pic... eat so many plates of sushi... wait the restaurant bankrupt...

vincent2903 said...

ur sleeping style is like that little girl? =p

i don't think u wear lame outfit lor... u hvnt c mine...

i wan go cut like Kaixen hair style haha ^^

Ann Nee said...

lol.. i'll break my bones sleeping like her .. --"

ur outfit is not lame .. ur outfit is gross ! hahaha...

kaixen hair ? ur hair can meh? haha... ok.. let me imagine ur look with spiky hair ... *gulp* would be like cactus ...

vincent2903 said...

lol ur outfit GROSS??? branded wan wor lol...

Ann Nee said...

i mean UR outfit ler.. not mine.. u definitely need to wear SPEC !!

vincent2903 said...

lol... yawor its mine... maybe i see too much pc already haha...